Monday, April 26, 2010

Final Paper

Tim Morton
Lit 110
What I Know Now

There were many different topics that I could have written about, but over this whole semester there has been one topic that everyone in the class knows. This topic will stick with us for who knows how long and I doubt that we will ever forget it. The major topic for the whole class was retellings and we all know that there is never a new story but only a story that is being retold. So then with this topic of retellings there were still a million other things that I could write about within this topic.
So up until now I have not been able to think of something to write about on what I know now that I did not before. Well I did not know what to write about until when I went to class on Friday when a couple of my fellow class mates laid it out straight for me. They talked about the same thing that I am trying to figure out. They summarize all that has been happening this whole semester, and not just in a literary sense but with all the crazy characters that have been in this class and all of the crazy topics that we have talked about. That is when I finally realized what I know now that I didn’t know before. That is that my life right now I have been judging things with yes and with a no, and I should not be doing that. This class has taught me to look at retellings from a different view. That view is why am I not getting into the story and why am I not able to see the retellings.
This is what I have learned to do in this class. I am able to see different stories in each story that we have read because we have read so many stories. I know now that from now on I will be able to read a book or a short story and realize what kind of retellings are in those stories or books. Now there is one book that I have been reading in my own time and I can see some of the similarities from that book to some of the stories that we have read in class. This book that I am reading is called “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. There are many retellings in that book. The one that really stuck out to me is that this book is just another story of a regular taken away and returns to be the hero in the end.
Another great thing that I have learned in this class is that if you really take the time to look around then you will find poetry everywhere. Found poetry is everywhere, right now I am in my room and I am just looking around and I can see fifteen things that could possibly be a great piece of poetry. I am watching an NBA game right now between the Dallas Mavericks and the San Antonio Spurs and what I noticed that is if you focus on what the people are cheering then you will clearly see; well actually hear poetry coming from the crowd. I guess that if you closely listen to the crowd even more than you tell whether it is an iambic pentameter or an iambic tetrameter. See before this class I would have never thought of just listening to the television closely and finding these kinds of things. I just noticed that on my bed right now I have the syllabus to my Native American Studies 100 class and you can pick out many words to make it a great poem.
One big thing that I learned was a big example of what I and my group did for our group presentation. What we did was we did a retellings of the famous writing of Antigony in the words of what we would use in present day. These retellings as well as many other retellings taught me that anything can be retold in the view of another person. I guess that just goes to show you that no one can ever just have that one story, there is always going to be a retelling of the same story. A couple of other groups happened to have the same idea as ours but a little differently. One group got together and all told each other what their favorite story was and then they took all of the stories and made them into one. They then acted this story out and you can clearly see what stories they were acting out. Another group did something similar to that group but with just one set of stories that were all the same. The similar stories were all about Cinderella. That was the group with Garrett in it and with Heather playing the part as Prince, which was a great site.
The difference that this had made to me is that I am now looking at each of the literature readings that we have done and are still going through in a different mindset. I feel that I am even carrying this talent in to my other classes. A good example of this and what I happened to do my found poem on was my concrete class book. I guess that even engineers have the right mind set to have great power for great poems in there writing without even trying. I know now that I need to look into more depth with every piece of literature that I have read and will read to analyze it more in depth. Right now I want to go back through every piece of literary work that I have ever read. Even the stories that I read when I was a wee little lad back in elementary school.
In conclusion I have gone over those main parts of what I know now that I did not now before and talked about how it has made a difference to me. The main parts that I went over was that I need to take the literature works not just read the story but be in the story and analyze it while I am in the story. The next main part that I learned was that found poetry can be everywhere you look, even right in your own home and television. So now I take some time just for myself to look out and see what kind of poetry is around me and how I can put it into a poem of my own. The last main part of my learning part in this literature class was that any story is retold over and over and over again but just in different words that are more appropriate for the time that people are reading it. This difference in me has changed my viewing on literature all together. I know now that I need to look more closely and be more involved in the stories.

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