Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Last Blog

This will be my last blog and I wanted to let you know that this class has been pretty fun. I just wish that we could have Professor Sexton in all of our classes and have as much fun in the rest of our classes. I learned alot this semester and I hope that everyone else has to.


I was just finishing up some of my Fluid Mechanics homework and I couldn't but help to notice that even retellings are in my Fluids homework. I could not believe that I did not know before. This retellings is that we have been using the same equations the whole semester. And every homework that we did used that equation so I guess that the equation that we used which was the Bernuli Equation is a retellings. I guess that shows you that you have not just retellings in literature but also in engineering books.


I cant believe that I have not blogged about this great topic since it was a great question. Reading Sparknotes instead of the Brothers K is like finding out that you married your cousin. But I have to admit while I was reading the Brothers K I was reading sparknotes to help me get back on track and understand what was going on during the story but I have to admit that reading the book was alot better than sparknotes.

Wednesday Presentations

Since we cant blog past Wednesday Presentations if we have already gone I thought that I would just say that I am very interested in wondering what they have in store for us. So good luck to all and I hope you knock our socks off.

Worst Day Ever

I have to say that I was looking at Jessica Waldners blog about her worst day and I have to admit that would be bad but I think that my worst day was when I had all of my upper division engineering classes HW and projects and even tests due the same day. Yes that was last week and this week. Last week I have a very big project for my estimating and bidding class where we had to bid how much the MSU Alumni building costs and it was one hell of a couple of days. Everything was very stressful and I wanted to kill all of my group but I got it done and we came out of it with a pretty good bid price. Well this week I have everything due tomorrow with these blogs, the last of my EM 331 Fluid Mechanics homework, my ethics paper for estimating and bidding due today and finally I have my concrete final tomorrow and I have yet to look at any of my past notes and I probably wont until midnight or even one. So if you think you have a bad day and you are a English or literature major, I dare you to try to live the life of a least a engineering major or if you really want to not have any sleep in your college career then you should go into Architecture. One of my roommates is an Architecture major and he doesn't get home until 3 or 4 in the morning and goes back to school at 9. So I hope your days just got better.

Add on to previous

Just a little add on to my previous blog that no story is ever the first. Another great example is Disney. I have noticed that they have the same repetitive story with all of the princesses movies. They are pretty much all about how they have great live and then they get in trouble with some crazy old woman and then the great Prince Charming comes along and saves them. I just started watching the Disney movies over again and I have to admit, this time around I get alot more of the puns and jokes that Disney has incorporated in his movies.

No Story is ever a first

About every so often I watch a couple episodes of South Park. OK maybe everyday I watch a couple of episodes of South Park. And when the presenter on Monday did his presentation about how South Park is all about retellings, it finally clicked to me that they are retellings. Not quit retellings of stories but retellings of news and other world things. In every episode you can deffinatly tell what they are retellings. One is about when Ginni pigs start to take over the world because the Peruvian flute bands have been locked away. And so you can tell that this is making fun of the movie that came out a little while ago called Cloverfeild. And when they had all the news of the pirates in Somalia taking over ships, the South Park owners did a episode about that when the boys are tired of school and want to become Somalian pirates. I really like this new look that I have about everything that is around me. I guess that most of the things that have been happening lately is that that whole thing with Tiger Woods. Everywhere you look on the television you could see jokes about Tiger Wood and what he did. So even though they are making fun of him, they are just telling more and more retellings.