Sunday, February 14, 2010


Looking through the story of A Good Man is Hard to Find I was actually attracted to the simile of she had her big black valise that looked like that head of a hippopotamus. That one make me laugh that most.


Since it is Valentines Day I read the Eros story and it reminded me of my first valentines day with my girlfriend. I kind of felt like Eros when he is making her fall in love with him. Not in the bed I might add but over special gifts and a lovely dinner. Just like Eros figuratively speaking I was hoping that she would not see me (as a freak).

Icarus Painting

After reading the Icarus story I remember that story from a long time ago. I have always liked that story. I was looking at the painting and the first thing I noticed was that everything that was in the story just at he was flying was in the painting. The sheapered, the plower and then I noticed these little legs just sticking out of the water and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this because I was expecting that this picture would have been the sun with Icarus in front all black just like a shadow.


After reading all of the Little Red Riding Hood stories I came to the conclusion that I liked the Grim story the best just like I liked that Grim one in the Cinderella. I noticed that in both of the stories by the Grim they mentioned something about the Hazel tree in Cinderella and the Hazel bush. I thought that was a little cool to see and I wonder if they might have mentioned the Hazel something in there next story

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ground Hogs Day

So I didn't wake up at 6 A.M but I figured that I could still get the whole experience from getting up at 9. So here is my whole day:

9:00 Woke up and ate breakfast (bagel)
9:30 In my first class which was NAS 100
10:45 In my second class CE 307 Estimating and Bidding (What a exciting class.... Not)
12:00 Walked home to get some food and my EM 331 book to study my Fluids
12:30 When over to the girlys house to see her
2:00 In the library studying for Fluids test later on that day
5:00 sitting and waiting for my fluids test
6:00 finished my fluids test and walked to my car
6:30 realized I forgot to put a weight force in my fluids problem and got pissed off
7:00 was trying to do my Quantity Survey Lab and got about 1/3 done with it.... frustrated the hell out of me
9:00 in bed watching TV
11:00 went to bed

Monday, February 1, 2010


Of the three cinderella stories I liked the Grim one the most. I am the kind of guy who like the bloody stories. I like the part when the step mother tells her to cut of her toe and the other daughter to cut off her heal.... it was just a good funny story for me. I really dont get scared with scary movies or bloody movies I just laugh at them.

My Dream

So last night I finaly had a dream that I could remember. I was in the TV show CSI and I was with Warrok Brown and we were investigating a murder in Las Vegas on top of a major hotel, dont know which one, but when we were up there some guy came up and shot Warrok. I was helping him stop the bleeding while I was on the phone with the police trying to get medical help. That is when I woke up.

Earliest Memory

My earliest memory is a sad one but I know that it will always be with me. So I was about five or maybe six, and I remember my dad getting the phone. His face is the memory that I will never forget. His mother had called and told him that my grandfather had passed away. That is the only time that I have seen my dad cry. It sucks that this is my earliest memory but I know that I have never been closer to my father than when I remember this moment.