Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Smooth Talk Ending

I did not like the ending of the movie because it was way to short. You had a great amount of nerves when Arnold Friend is standing in the door way and then two minutes later she is dancing with her sister. I just thought that they could have done a better job with leaving you with a little more suspense at the end.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Pied Piper of Tucson

What i got from this story is exactly that same story from where are you going, where have you been. But it seemed that the pied piper of tucson was part two of where are you going, where have you been. The evil charaters in both stories had very similar characteristics with stuffing the boot with cans and other things. When we left the story where are you going, where have you been we dont know what Arnold Friend would do with her. But after reading the pied piper I felt that i was picking up the story. Smitty is the conclusion of what Arnold would do.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What people are talking about

I was in the library and was listening to the people around me on what they where talking about. I think that is depends on the day of what people are talking about. Since it was just after the weekend most people are talking about what they were doing over the weekend. I also listened to someone talk about how school was going to be frustrating for them over the semester. And the last person that I was listening to was to talking to their friend about what kind of weekend they are going to have for this upcoming weekend.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What Does This Story Remind Me Of

The story that we are supposed to read was really creepy to me. I cant really think of what it remindes me of. But I can only think of just how creepy it was. The only thing that was creepy was the way the Arnold Friend kept trying to get Connie to come out and just the way that they described him.

What Stood Out To Me

So everyone knows that we where supposed to browse the pages of our book and blog about what stood out to us. Well what stood out to me was mainly the pictures. The perspective picture on page 15 was one of them. I always like pictures like this because it lets you try to use both sides of your brain to see outside of the box. On page 617 it has a picture that is similar. On page 19 the poem "You Fit Into Me" I thought is was a nice way to say "go away" putting it nicely. The last thing that stood out to me was on page 869 I always liked the painting that was called "The Scream" by Edvard Munch.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Day of Lit 110

Well everyone who was there knows what a interesting class it will be. We will definately be having some good laughs.